Do you like to read?
I love, love, love to read! When I was little, I lost my hearing for a while, so books became my world. I would go to the library each week and check out twelve books at a time—the max allowed. After I read each one, I’d record the page count and how long it took me to read the book on an index card, and then store all the cards in a little box. I’m a really fast reader, so I guess I did this so I could compare how quickly I completed each book.
Did you always want to be a writer?
I think I was ten when I first decided I wanted to become a writer. I even remember the first words I wrote: Dear Diary …
When did you publish your first book?
I was definitely tardy to the party, and if you’re wondering how old I was, well, let’s just say I was older than your mother, but maybe not as old as your grandma. I’m the perfect example that it’s never too late to achieve your dreams.
What did you do before you were a writer?
When I was a teenager, I modeled in Los Angeles and did the beauty pageant scene. After I got married and had kids, I became a makeup artist, and then later, an interior designer. One day I looked in the mirror and saw how old I’d become, and I figured I’d better get crackin’ if I wanted to become published before my old tired hands became too gnarled to type.
Who or what was the inspiration for your books?
I have a soft spot for fish out of water stories. As a child, I had some struggles. As I shared before, I lost my hearing for a time, I spoke with a lisp, and whereas all the members of my family were light skinned and light eyed, I was dark skinned and dark eyed. My sister told people that my parents adopted me from Bangladesh, and they believed her. Willa, my character in The Nerdy Girl series came about because I remember how alone I felt as a child who was different from everyone else in my family. Joan, my character in the Dead Again Teen Martyr Series, is a composite of contemporary teens struggling during their high school years, and she is greatly influenced by some of the things my daughters and their friends suffered with in high school.
Hi, I’m Linda Rey, and I write books for teens and tweens. Writing a bio is about as awkward as having to write a “What I Did Last Summer” report ,the first day back in school, but here goes.
I live in Orange County, CA, not too far from Disneyland. My favorite color is green, but blue is a close second. I’d rather eat potato chips than ice cream, but give me a donut and I’ll be your friend for life. I’m a grandma to six grandchildren, but I’m a cool grandma with a tattoo on my wrist that says "Believe." My favorite books as a child were The Secret Garden, Charlotte’s Web, and anything by Judy Blume. My new favorites are all the books in The Hunger Games series, Wonder, and The Fault in Our Stars. If I can be remembered for just one thing after I’m gone, I hope it’s that people thought I was nice.